The price we pay for our goods and services does not reflect their true cost. Emissions, harm to the environment, and the detriment of our society are not accurately “counted”. These negative effects are not reflected in the price we pay for our goods and services. However, the price of these effects is paid by us, instead of with our money, with our personal health, and that of our planet and communities.

Goods and services that do “count” these impacts have higher prices. Higher prices mean fewer producers willing to take on these costs, and fewer consumers willing to pay. In our economy, sustainable goods and services are a luxury. This creates a perverse situation in which those that do more damage, sell more, and have a larger market share, and those that act responsibly, are less accessible. This imbalance is a representation of the imbalance in the way our economy accounts for impact.

Imagine if we could pay less for sustainable products, or if when buying any item or service, the impact would be incorporated in the price, and would offset the negative impact. Imagine if every good or service was completely transparent about its effect, making post-fact reporting less relevant.

Impact Oracle (IO) allows us to simply account for all impact. Any goods or services paid for using IO account are compensated for positive impact and offset their negative impact. No need for a multitude of labels, no need for fact-checking, and no need for whole reporting departments.

IO is a solution for consumers and producers alike. Those that are already sustainable, and those that can’t afford to be yet. Allowing consumers to pay a fairer price for more sustainable and regenerative products, and allowing producers to streamline their accountability and be rewarded for their positive efforts.